Jim Yerman Poems

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Our Duty

We have a duty to the children of the world from the moment of their births
A duty to make them feel safe and happy on this planet we call Earth.

A duty to teach them right from wrong, to respect the plants and birds

Lessons In Our Own Backyard

One never knows where our lessons will arise, we should always be on our guard
They crop up in the strangest places, like out in our own back yard...

We have some beautiful palm trees which need a little care

Drawing Day

You may not find this on the calendar but today is special anyway
June 7th every year is known as Drawing Day.

For anyone whose ever drawn and animal, a tree, a bus

More On Memories

Our eldest grandson Damien is looking at colleges and it’s in moments such as these
That I’m reminded to be thankful for the power of memories.

Guardian Angels

I believe that luck surrounds us as we journey along life’s path
Sometimes we experience her joy, sometimes we feel her wrath.

None of us are immune to her visits shell bring us pleasure as well as pain

The Stonecutter

There is ancient story about a stone cutter who felt himself powerless and grim
When he passed a wealthy merchant’s and said, “I wish that I was him.”

Then he became the merchant but one day watching the King parading by

Florida...The Forgotten State

I grew up in Ohio with 4 seasons; each one normal, proud and strong
A season would last about 3 months before the next one came along.

If we were struggling through a bad season, too much heat, or snow, or cold

The Number 9

While waiting for Bryan at the airport I felt glad to be alive
As I watched two young girls wait expectantly for their grandma to arrive.

Their parents tried to calm them, but their attempts were all in vain

Great Grandpa's Smile

His face shows some weathering...a result of all those miles
But every wrinkle disappears when Great Grandpa smiles.

We have friends who tried to have a baby but that blessing never came

The Old Man And The Leaves

I just completed reading Hemingway’s The Old Man And The Sea
And will now relate a similar battle that transpired...regarding me.

In case you’re unfamiliar, the story’s about an old fisherman from long ago

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