Jim Yerman Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Our Duty

We have a duty to the children of the world from the moment of their births
A duty to make them feel safe and happy on this planet we call Earth.

A duty to teach them right from wrong, to respect the plants and birds

Lessons In Our Own Backyard

One never knows where our lessons will arise, we should always be on our guard
They crop up in the strangest places, like out in our own back yard...

We have some beautiful palm trees which need a little care

The Lessons Of The Trees

The other day while walking in the woods something occurred to me
"How much there is to learn, " I thought, "from a stroll among the trees."

Trees can teach us about beauty when we stop to realize

I Wonder About Mistakes

I wonder about mistakes...for no one is immune
If you haven't made one yet...you're bound to make one soon.

But we can learn from our mistakes...it's true...you must not doubt it...

I Wonder About Women

I wonder about women...who work hard, who nurture, who give birth...
Yet they don't have as many rights as the men upon this Earth.

I think, perhaps, as the song says...Nothin' would be fina

I Wonder A Out Running Naked On The Beach

I wonder who to talk to, who to call or who to reach
To find out what's the cut off age for walking naked on the beach.

Babies are allowed to toddle, their nakedness uncontested

I Wonder As Our Bodies Age

I wonder as we watch our bodies age and our skin begin to wrinkle
Why does our smile remain enchanting and our eyes not lose their twinkle?

Perhaps as age engulfs us all, it is a basic human endeavor


Her quest was not an easy one...to find the meaning of success
Many people told her...It's how many things you can possess...

Then, one day, she happened on a woman, as old old as she was kind...

I Wonder About The Smile

I wonder about the smile, how moving a few muscles just a trace
Can change our whole demeanor and put a smile on our face.

And with an endless supply of smiles and nothing for us to pay

Mh Favorite Time Of Day

There is a moment, however fleeting, when the darkness of the night
Shares its place among the heavens with the dawning of the light.

As I stand in awe...and marvel at nature's ethereal ballet

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