Jim Yerman Poems

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Another Lovely Day

As the moon smiles her last smile...and the stars fade out of sight
As the screech owl and crickets sing a vanishing good night...

The sky begins to brighten, morning doves come out to play

When The Tv Goes To Sleep

When our TV goes to sleep we have this app that immediately awakens…it links to all our photographs…every photograph we've ever taken.

The photographs appear for a few seconds…chosen randomly from a vast array…enough to stir a memory before that memory fades away.

Voices In My Head

I was once taught it was crazy (at least that's what my Psychology professor said) for a person…any person…to hear voices in their head.

I understand the lesson my psychology professor was conveying…but I also know it all depends on what those voices might be saying.

The Art Of Parenting

I think of parenting as an art…parents are artists without constraints…whose children are blank canvases on which to apply their paint.

We remember how we also started as a blank canvas…years ago…and thus…we paint ideals and morals and values on our children…as our parents painted them on to us.

An Old Couple Walking On The Beach

There was this old couple walking on the beach…an old Grandma and Grandpa…and the more they walked the more they smiled at all the wondrous things they saw.

For they realized as they walked the beach…free of borderlines and fences
How one simple walk along the beach is a treat for all the senses..

Fate And Friendship

There is no doubt Fate plays a part in our lives…from its beginning…to its end.
I'm reminded of this when I think back to a story of three friends.

Fate brought their families to the same neighborhood…where time together they would spend…each family had a daughter and the three would soon become good friends.

Why Were Butterflies Created?

As I watched her flutter…then perch upon a flower…I found myself infatuated…and I began to wonder why on Earth…were butterflies created?

Perhaps they were created to make us all aware…there is magic in the world…and beauty everywhere.

Don'T Drink And....

Alcohol effects our brains and our bodies as a whole
It depresses our central nervous system which leads to a loss of self control.

Knowing drinking causes symptoms like the ones I just described

Drawing Day

You may not find this on the calendar but today is special anyway
June 7th every year is known as Drawing Day.

For anyone whose ever drawn and animal, a tree, a bus

The Number 9

While waiting for Bryan at the airport I felt glad to be alive
As I watched two young girls wait expectantly for their grandma to arrive.

Their parents tried to calm them, but their attempts were all in vain

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