Jim Yerman Poems

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The Stonecutter

There is ancient story about a stone cutter who felt himself powerless and grim
When he passed a wealthy merchant’s and said, “I wish that I was him.”

Then he became the merchant but one day watching the King parading by

Florida...The Forgotten State

I grew up in Ohio with 4 seasons; each one normal, proud and strong
A season would last about 3 months before the next one came along.

If we were struggling through a bad season, too much heat, or snow, or cold

The Old Man And The Leaves

I just completed reading Hemingway’s The Old Man And The Sea
And will now relate a similar battle that transpired...regarding me.

In case you’re unfamiliar, the story’s about an old fisherman from long ago

Great Grandpa's Smile

His face shows some weathering...a result of all those miles
But every wrinkle disappears when Great Grandpa smiles.

We have friends who tried to have a baby but that blessing never came

The Number 9

While waiting for Bryan at the airport I felt glad to be alive
As I watched two young girls wait expectantly for their grandma to arrive.

Their parents tried to calm them, but their attempts were all in vain

Is This Progress?

As I watch TV every now and then I’m transported back to a time long ago
When the world was a little bit simpler, when everything moved kind of slow.

Another Sad Day

Thursday was another sad day as another life went unfulfilled
A colleague of a friend of mine was waiting for a bus when he was shot and killed.

A Short Poem

Today’s rhyme is a short one filled with humor, filled with wit
Because when you’re finished reading this line you’re finished reading it.

Moon Glow

If I may be so bold…when you start to get a little old
you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night.
But for whatever reason…depending on the season
you may be treated to some fascinating sights.

The Hunter

There’s a story out of Norway about a hunter on the loose
Who, in the forest, aimed his rifle at an unsuspecting moose!

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