Jim Yerman Poems

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Still Holding Hands

"Why are you always holding Grandma's hand? " she asked.
Grandpa smiled…as was his way.
"The reason we hold hands, " he answered
"goes back to that first day."

Trees And Sunsets

As we walked along a wooded path beside the river's edge
enjoying the evening breeze
we began to notice the sunset…
peeking through the trees.

A Toast

It was their 50th wedding anniversary
A truly memorable milepost
when, near the end of the evening,
the husband stood up to deliver a toast…

Moon Glow

If I may be so bold…when you start to get a little old
you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night.
But for whatever reason…depending on the season
you may be treated to some fascinating sights.

A Walk By The Lake

We love to walk in the morning…we know our walk is not complete
unless we walk the way the native Americans did…
as if we're kissing the Earth with our feet.

In A Circle Of Pines

We followed the path to the top of a hill
not knowing what we might find
What we discovered was a lone headstone
surrounded by a circle of pines.

Innocence Lost

We adults tend to lose ours innocence as the years unfold…
which is why the innocence of our children is a beauty we behold.

Children sing before they realize there even is a song.

One Rose

(If we only saw a field of flowers stretching out in a hundred rows
We may never truly appreciate the beauty of one rose.)

When I look at the life Deborah and I have had…

Be Brave

She received a lot of advice after her Grandpa died
It seemed to come in waves…
They said Grandpa was in a better place…They told her to be brave.

What Is It About Family?

What is it about a sunset? What is it that we treasure?
What is it about a sunset…that we derive such pleasure?

It could be while we watch the sun as it slips out of the sky

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