Jim Yerman Poems

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On The Other Side Of Silence

When you take a walk in nature allowing silence to be your guide…
If you listen…listen carefully…silence will reveal her other side.

For on the other side of silence…enchanting sounds appear…

Chocolate Chip Day

Today we celebrate Ruth Wakefield...and where does her story begin?
In the state of Massachusetts where she bought the Toll House Inn.

One day Ruth was baking cookies...(they usually got rave reviews.)

So Beautiful


"You are so beautiful! " Her grandma loved to tell her.
"So beautiful! " She loved to say.

Welcome Olivia

Our great niece, Emily, is in the hospital…she was admitted yesterday…for the most wonderful of reasons…baby Olivia, is on her way…

If I was to give advice to Emily and Brandon…if I was to take the time…I'd put it in a poem…because advice sounds so much better in rhyme.


Look out over our planet…no doubt you will see…a collection of people in all shapes and sizes…it's called Humanity.

We are all called Humans…but you don't have to look very far before you begin to wonder just how Human…we Humans truly are.

One Expensive Book

It sits in a glass case in our bookstore…for all our customers to see…
It is old and It's expensive and must be handled sparingly.

I've often wondered about the route this book has taken…from the frontier days of yore…how it found it's way from where it was written to a glass case in our store.

Do Not Apologize

When I was young my parents taught me…without ever telling me why
that whatever happens to me in life…boys aren't supposed to cry.

For years I heeded that childhood lesson…and anytime tears escaped my eyes

3 Martinis

I’ve been composing these poems for a while and posting them for all to see
But the other day while checking out Facebook something occurred to me.

Believe it or not to write these verses takes a little effort...a little time

In Pieces On The Ground

"Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper, That we may record our emptiness." Kahlil Gabran


Her Words

"Excuse me." The young boy said to the poet, "If you don't mind me asking…where do you find your words? "
The old poet smiled at the young boy…"Sometimes…" she said, "they're in the voices of the birds."

"Sometimes they're with my friends and family…sometimes on strangers in a crowd…sometimes they rise up with the morning sun…sometimes they're drifting on a cloud."

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