Jim Yerman Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Her Love Song

They've been blessed with a wonderful life…with a love resilient and strong…
but all her life it has been her wish to write him a love song.

To let him know in her life he's played a vital part…to be able to put into music and rhyme…what she's felt within her heart.

Follwing The Dew

I spotted her this morning as the sun was inching into view…
upon a leaf in front of me…a single drop of dew.

It seems the more time you spend in nature…the more talking with nature you do…

Da Vinci And Monet Memories

From the time I first gazed upon them I have loved the paintings of Monet…
love the impression of his subjects…love his colors…love the way they interplay.

I've also loved the paintings of da Vinci…though a completely different style…

Her Words

"Excuse me." The young boy said to the poet, "If you don't mind me asking…where do you find your words? "
The old poet smiled at the young boy…"Sometimes…" she said, "they're in the voices of the birds."

"Sometimes they're with my friends and family…sometimes on strangers in a crowd…sometimes they rise up with the morning sun…sometimes they're drifting on a cloud."

Two Books

Working with many different people in the bookstore
(This should come as no surprise)
I am blessed with many opportunities
to look into their eyes.

Wondering Under The Stars

On a moonless night when you look up at the sky…
and stars infuse your view…
have you ever wondered if there is someone on a distant star
who is looking up at you?

A Smiling Flower

How can a smiling flower...drawn in crayon...make you sigh...
Make you smile...make you tingle...bring a teardrop to your eye?

Could it be you love the artist...and the artist loves you too...

On The Other Side Of Silence

When you take a walk in nature allowing silence to be your guide…
If you listen…listen carefully…silence will reveal her other side.

For on the other side of silence…enchanting sounds appear…

Dear Serena

Dear Serena Williams…I want to take a moment and apologize to you
for something I didn't say…something I did not do.

As we waited under a crab apple tree for our pizza the other day

Good Vs Evil?

The more I observe politicians everywhere the more it sickens me
As I watch two incompatible sides struggling for supremacy.

They think they're in a good versus evil battle but when all is said and done

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