John Leroy Maxwell

John Leroy Maxwell Poems

This is not a perfect world, we see things everyday
That makes us take a second look, or makes us turn away
The heart of man has turned to stone, and compassion is not found
We've taken love and friendship and beat them to the ground

I cried today, as I touched your face, in memory,
not wanting to waken you in your slumber
I eased out of bed, early, to brew your favorite coffee,
knowing the aroma would awaken you

How well do I remember, it was just this past December,
I was walking down the street in manly pride
When my heart began to flutter, and I fell into the gutter,
and a pig came up and lay down by my side

Is anybody happier, because you passed this way
Does anyone remember that you spoke to them today
The day is almost over, and it's toiling time is through
Is there anyone to utter now, a kindly word to you

Walking 'round my yard, I just wanted to see, if any
little friends wanted company..
I saw Mrs. Robin sitting in a tree, guarding her nest,
and her children three..

A civil war on North Church Road, no wealth to gain, no wealth
bestowed.. For things possess and can not get.. To pass on by
but not forget.. Brother against brother, father against son..
No target hit, no battle won.. Know not the reason this be so..

Your subtle and gorgeous sounds, and touching
create exciting moments..
Warm thoughts of your Body and Soul produce a
sense of swing and harmony..

It keeps on raining all around, bouncing lightly off the ground..
Just like the Ballet, on tip toe shoe, turning swirling, all nignt thru..
Angelic Angels brightly attired, to be Loved, and be admired..
A touch of Heaven, a caress divine, Angelic Music, soft and fine..

Ready for sleep, and lying in my bed.. I heard this music,
spinning 'round in my head.. I wasn't dreaming, I knew it
was there.. And it was coming from my Frigidaire..
As I opened up the door, to my surprise, the Pork Chops

She walked erect, and carefully chose,
the stoney path, beneath her toes
Head held high, flaming red hair, loose
flowing gown, and pretentious stare

The cattle graze in pasture still
The plowmans horse, the soil to till
And soon the fields the farmer sow
His keep to earn, the crops he grow

A mountain brook, a mountain stream
Rippling waters weave me a dream
I try to grasp that special note
The stoic rocks, the ripples poke

The Laws are silent, in the midst of Arms
If you wish Peace, prepare for War
At any cost, tears attend trials,
thru the path of suffering

The Bards of old, in verse have told
of lovers bold and gay
Of Lochinvar and his guiding star, and
their dash O'er the highland brae

Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu
When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too
I passed around the corner, and someone saw my grin
When he smiled I realized, I'd passed it on to him

We're obsessive compulsive, good looking, repulsive

Ever blameful with our faultless sight

As I was walking on the beach one day,
with my dear friend in mind..
A shiny, sparkling stone was there for
me to see and find.. Picking up this

Sometimes you only get one chance..
-to put aside your pride and say, humbly, 'I was wrong'
-to explain a misunderstanding that, if ignored, would sour a friendship
-to hear what a child very much needs to tell you

As you, perched atop a patchwork of green foliage
I am captured by the strange beauty of your song
The music glides and ebbs, rises and falls, being
moved by the whims of the wind

Oh, my gosh, your saying things again
you sound just like a neglected old hen
Whah, whah, whah and whine, whine, whine
You have everything you need, and

John Leroy Maxwell Biography

Single, retired, physical exercise, lover of veggie burgers, passion for poetry, rebel rouser, love to challenge authority? , go ACLU, nondrinker, nontobaccosmoker/potOK, any solo piano music jazz, classical, inspirational, nature impressions, pop. Doing one good deed a day. Alias is 'Skipper.')

The Best Poem Of John Leroy Maxwell

The Wall Of Tolerance

This is not a perfect world, we see things everyday
That makes us take a second look, or makes us turn away
The heart of man has turned to stone, and compassion is not found
We've taken love and friendship and beat them to the ground
No longer do we hold our hopes, and all our dreams so dear
At any given moment, we will trade them in for fear
Let's end this reign of violence, and halt these evil designs
We are all in this as one human race, to that we must resign
So please reach out so all of us cease the malice and the pain
And maybe one day soon, we'll hear sweet music in the rain
So as you kneel and Pray to God, for a better life for all
Ask that Peace and Tolerance be placed visible on the Wall

John Leroy Maxwell Comments

Carol lean 25 September 2018

I thought it said l lay there in the gutter with words l could not utter

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