John Sensele Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Gender Based Violence

Gender bias and paternalistic culture pigeon-hole women negatively,
Emasculates society,
Numbs reason into submission,
Drives misogyny forward,

Romantic Mall

The opportunity to love is common to all
Adults, the able-bodied, the infirm and children
Who love from the bottom of their hearts in a romantic mall.

Joy In Every Toy

The crown of life smiles at folks who don't frown
Regardless of how dire spires of circumstances may get
For frowns rob folks of vitality until their noun
Resembles an assembly of forsaken folks who forget

Climate Change Kills

Deep within somersaulting stomachs
Gastric juices in full flight
Rumble and stumble on attacks
Pangs of hunger thrust forth as light

My Right, My Bite, My Fight

My right, my plight, my fight, my sight how I use and choose to burn bundles of
my life's candle
Matters little what fleas and fees tongue waggers tag and drag, what doubt
dream dousers doodle

One Way Or The Other

Choices we make
Words we use
Voices we fake
Our lives choose, bruise.

Broken Cultural Bridges

Decline to lie supine in mines where values die
In a plethora of insipidities that won't cry
When the present haunts vestiges gone extinct
Because you by default embarked on a path where your instinct

Mirrors And Mirages

Try harder to accommodate the good in me
Focus less on weaknesses
Gaze at success thicknesses
Blessings aplenty to you will flow in a sea

Civility Sermon

Even though ephemeral events engineer
Obdurate obstacles oscillating ominously
From your brain to your heart to instill fear
Pray hard, stick to your faith religiously.

My Love, Juliet Ml

My Love, Juliet ML

Your skin glows like the green apple I hold, blossoms consummate like a red rose in the purest hope of spring.
My yearning heart rises to your oboe voice and leaps like a gazelle at the whisper of your name, Juliet ML.

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