John Sensele Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Power And Hour Of Love

Arms in arms lovers walk by
Lovers laughing, no time to cry
As love lift from lovers clears stress
Power and hour of love to bless.

Plan, Think And Act Well

Play your part in moulding the future very well
Plan, think and act with care and flair all the time
Ensure each step moves you nigh Heaven's bell.

The Slippery Secret Of The Future

The boulevard to a fragrant future marries a maze
Laced like a spider web in a haze of a daze
Perceived like a mirage on an acrid afternoon
Blinding a parrot who can no longer croon.

Gender Based Violence

Gender bias and paternalistic culture pigeon-hole women negatively,
Emasculates society,
Numbs reason into submission,
Drives misogyny forward,

Climate Change Kills

Deep within somersaulting stomachs
Gastric juices in full flight
Rumble and stumble on attacks
Pangs of hunger thrust forth as light

My Right, My Bite, My Fight

My right, my plight, my fight, my sight how I use and choose to burn bundles of
my life's candle
Matters little what fleas and fees tongue waggers tag and drag, what doubt
dream dousers doodle

One Way Or The Other

Choices we make
Words we use
Voices we fake
Our lives choose, bruise.

Love Anatomy

Love is an ingredient that takes over a human mind
Spins him upside down, scatters reason and defies the blind
On a heart's window, tangling with alchemy, autonomy and harmony
Striving to impose her will on chapters and verses of Deuteronomy

Hope Never Dies

Never feel hope is gone
Cos tomorrow never dies
It brings along new hope at dawn
When joy again and again flies


Cuddle my heart
Ameliorate my amorous art
Then from love draw your part.

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