John Shaw Neilson Poems

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Native Companions Dancing

On the blue plains in wintry days
The stately birds move in the dance.
Keen eyes have they, and quaint old ways
On the blue plains in wintry days.

The Break Of Day

THE STARS are pale.
Old is the Night, his case is grievous,
His strength doth fail.


Shyly the silver-hatted mushrooms make
Soft entrance through,
And undelivered lovers, half awake,
Hear noises in the dew

Song Be Delicate

Let your song be delicate.
The skies declare
No war — the eyes of lovers
Wake everywhere.

You And Yellow Air

YOU, AND YELLOW AIR by John Shaw Neilson
I dream of an old kissing-time
And the flowered follies there;
In the dim place of cherry-trees,

Schoolgirls Hastening

Fear it has faded and the night:
The bells all peal the hour of nine:
The schoolgirls hastening through the light
Touch the unknowable Divine.

The Green Singer

ALL singers have shadows
That follow like fears,
But I know a singer
Who never saw tears;

The Loving Tree

Three women walked upon a road,
And the first said airily,
“Of all the trees in all the world
Which is the loving tree?”

The Poor Can Feed The Birds

Ragged, unheeded, stooping, meanly shod,
The poor pass to the pond: not far away
The spires go up to God.

The Crane Is My Neighbour

The bird is my neighbour, a whimsical fellow and dim;
There is in the lake a nobility falling on him.

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