Jonathan Goldman a.k.a JGthepoet Poems

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My 200th Poem

Thrice a day I write my poems,
The words just come to me,
Ideas flow from Mind to pen,
And end in verses for thee.

Lack Of The Muse

Lack of the Muse causes turmoil and stress
When words will not come to me, unless
I think hard and long, and seek words to find,
But where are they hiding, and what behind?

'I Have Tried Without Success'

I have tried without success
All messages to write,
But words that I do express
Do not come out right.

Birthday Wishes For An Art Historian

[This poem is forward dated ~ it is being framed as a gift for my step-daughter's Birthday] The poem was written on 28th June 2006.

Deborah, my thoughts are with you today,
Alas, I am distant from you,


Life is for living, we are told,
From the time of our Birth till we are old.
Be Good to each Woman and Man,
Also to Animals and the Alien.

The Passover Seder

The Almighty ordained that we
Recite annually the History,

Twenty-Four Hours

Twenty-Four Hours it's taken me,
Without too many breaks,
To reload my Computer today,
And without many mistakes.

Lest We Forget The Holocaust

Yad Vashem and Beth Shalom
Are there to educate everyone
About How Six Million Jews were killed
And these Memories in all must be instilled,

For My Grandson Jorge, On His Barmitzvah

Sorry I cannot be with you
On this your special day,
But I shall be thinking of you
When you go out to play.

Tax Return Deadline Day

I sit down sorting papers,
Bank Statements, Credit Cards,
I have a Tax Return deadline,
Finding the information is very hard.

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