Jonathan ROBIN Poems

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Each reaches out with voice for choice, one's meat
may seem another's poison for a while
for victory from jaws of sure defeat
pure render soul response fo bitter trial

Rubaiyat Of Conformity

As cock crew flock knew Time prepared to turn
new leaf, grief's season comes and no return
is in the cards for, mortal, mighty man's
soon past, repast forgotten, ashes burn.

Say-Yin's Yang

What would you say if on this day
one waved wand washing walls away
refurbishing renascent dream
to smooth all cares as twinned hearts team.

Steel On Steel

Strength in each and every part
needs no paltry poet's art
to picture peerless tensile worth
which rhymes through time in class apart


May praise aloud from crazy crowd suffice
to raise the proud endowed with mazy vice?
Dance on! Advance, leave shirkers low their lice,
and, unforesworn, work for new dawn's fresh spice …


Silk seconds string net spider-strong to weave
minute spun-sequence skeins which interlace
hours which in turn days turn to years that race
to knit an unknown fate. No need to grieve.

Pattern Patter Down Pat

Patterns form from harmony as verse
Attempts translation of emotions' span
To teach, to reach, to leach words' worlds, to fan
The essence of poetics and rehearse


Though trance seems dumb behind din’s bawl
romance beams hum defined win call, -
know glance gleams come, unbind, spin ball -
so chance teams, plum aligned enthrall,

Warm Universe Apart

Dwells not in magic spell a part to warmly welcome counterpart?
No story’s glory may there be without complementarity.
Two glow together – empathy eliminates disparity.

Unknown Sky

Clock t[r]icks past midnight’s arbitrary mark,
set within time-zone drawn through needle’s eye.
Another night sails on as vital spark
skips over time-line, casts an unseen die

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