Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Croesus After Euripides

Were I as Croesus rich,
Of this wide Earth high lord,
No dearth of golden hoard
Stored, still for Youth I’d pitch

POSh poodle in splash puddle leapt
TERrific see how miss-tress wept,
POSition never held with men
TERm disaffection: all see then

Reflections Fractal

Peaceful imagination is life's piecemeal architect, pieces together finite sum of infinite opportunities, attracts to or defracts from proactive links. Expectation and reality contract as contacts contract probabilites. Soul re_mainS[T]AYs whole, intact. Tactile tease tactfully subcontracts substance with DIStracted EASE, cures disease leading through convention to misguided conviction. Reality conundrum paradox rocks pre-ordained clock choice shock, Meter maid made met and unmet alma mata matter mutter perceptions. Immortal streamlined spotlights echo as idea[l]s tune-tweak leak spheres' muse music, reap energy, leap beyond current or recurrent pluridimensional parallel cycles. Pixel paradox spirals ad infinitum.

HE triptoes to and fro between her energy's go glow fractal reflections of parallel factual reality relays, in fact, fiction and fantasy, unGODlily attracted to his tiger lily: her gene_I_US.

I AM! or AM I AIM in perennial blame game? State_mental line, desperate to pace light, existence seemingly dependent upon its seed's speed, soars, arching, starching star I Ching through marching universe, trying to reach, underscore, and underline itself although temporal continuum discrepancies perpetually portray parallelax perceptions. Eye longs to [l]ink pages of Present, Past and Future songs so insight's door stays a_jar. Sustained content seems elusive, out of context to most beholders, too narrow or too wide to effervescent mortals ephemerally flickering through life, stretching points till, reductio ad adsurdam full stop tries to make ends meet.

Unprepossessing, pensive, positive positron posting posthaste primes self-expression's impressions, seeks beyond existential sessions to process process within reason through temporal processions outside pseudo karmic intercessions. Insight transcends online and offline dotted lines, on course for resourceful concordance recourse dancing out of and through chromatic pixel constellations. Name flames, but fame's claims and aims fail at phoenix revival as survival's dreams teem, gleaming haphazardly across mortality, then sure of no surcease, 'cease upon the midnight with no pain'.

Haiku Distraught

Haiku Reflections

Soul enlightenment:
Way becomes both purpose and
sole entitlement.

Haiku Exception

Haiku Aims French Translation Buts

From ground to [g]round holes,
missives or missiles unite
solitary souls

Haiku Paintinted

Haiku Ready To Unlearn

Accept the unthought
grasping at straws till ready
to unlearn torts taught.
Society is fraught

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