Jonathan ROBIN Poems

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Millenium Festivities

It passed as champagne bubbles
uncorked the midnight hour,
its blaze of light a timeless sight
atop the Eiffel Tower.

Chequer Board

Tomorrow [b]rings tomorrow, s[tr]ings today
Across the chequer board of day and night
Karmic, some say graven black on white,
Each on his Way must thread, to piper pay.

Many Roads Await

Many links extended may t[r]end towards the light,
As rainbow drops descended award due dew delight.
New roads must be defended not doubted. Now rewrite
Years starting, as years ended y[e]arn slight reflection bright.

From Under The Mat

I am actively ever inactive,
and the week after next may take care

Babylon - Pride Before Fall

Unwillng, weak, we witness our last lay.
Wars waged by gartered knights in armour gay
against souls sinful sunk ‘neath Satan’s sway,
belong, like so much else to yesterday.

Malthusian - Acrostic

Man man must conquer, trust that Time
At last last laugh will have, fast see


Monday Morning, full of dread, we pray
the postman no new bills will bring our way.

Tuesday brings no more, and still we wait

Stake Stake Stake After Tennyson Break Break Break

Stake, stake, stake,
on life's green felt fabric thrown,
cheat croupier's awake,
weak p[l]ayer's weary grown.

British Library Reflections

Take time from Time for line from line grows not,
Hell’s weight awaits, the creeping Reaper snaps


Men, unprepared, tremble
flight fright confrontation
with nightmares no nation
now dares to dissemble.

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