Juan Olivarez Poems

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Naked Girls On The Beach

I just wanted to do some fishing,
Got some squid for bait, a good Penn rod and reel,
And a six pack and some sandwiches.
Turning in behind the last sand dunes,

Oh Summer

Oh summer, dear summer, my long lost friend,
I am so very glad, to see you again.
Your brother Winter was very unkind,
So much so dear Summer, that I near lost my mind.

A Canary In A Lime Tree

A canary in a lime tree,
Poured out his heart.
And all could see,
His happiness depart.

Where Does Love Go?

Where does love go, after it's done?
Does it hide itself away?
In darkest nights, in brightest days,
Clinging to dark, the light it shuns.

I Just Adore

I just adore the gentle rain,
That washes away all earthly stains,
And sends then swirling down the drain.

American Dream

Once he was young, and strong.
Once he would dare anything, do anything.
Climb mountains, swim rivers, mighty rivers,
To find the American Dream.

My Gentle Brother

My Gentle Brother, of skin most fair,
Into whose eyes I may not stare.
Your warm carress on my skin I feel,
And I know my love for you is real.

A Human Soul

Even the stars, at long last die,
And when they do, fall from the sky.
Such is the case with a human heart,
Built imperfect, from life departs.

One More Time, Before I Die

One more time before I die,
I'd like to walk with you.
To gaze up at your clear blue sky,
Like something fresh and new.

Why Are Hearts Not Made Of Stone

Why are hearts not made of stone?
Strong as Gibraltar,
mighty as Kilimanjaro,
Impenetrable, as the Amazon.

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