Julius Babarinsa

Julius Babarinsa Poems

Everybody needs friends, we all have friends
Some friends are closer to us than our families
If we happen to fall, there are friends to pick us up
What will our life be without friends?

Money we all know is a medium of exchange
Buyers and sellers relate to each other through money
The question here is – what is the value of money?
Few say money is the root of all evil

The word success means many things to many people
To be considered a success, means that you have made it
The question here is – made it as what?
How do you define success?

Love – is one of the most popular word anywhere
Mention the word Love in a crowd or to a group
You are sure to get their undivided attention
Love means many things to many people

All married men want to be called a good husband
A good husband is a decent husband
Mr. Husband what you done to deserve this decency?
Has your wife ever referred to you as her good husband?

It is a fact that human beings cannot live without money
People go to work everyday because of money
The more money we have the greater the influence
The more influence we have the greater the control

Are you happy right now or sad?
Are you bitter about your present condition?
You wonder what is wrong with your life
You wonder why others are happy

Every human being living on this earth hope for something
Poor people hope that one day money will come their way
The rich folks hope to multiply their assets before long
Several men hope for a wife who is as caring as their mother

Oh! My mama, happy mother’s day
You are the greatest mother I have ever had
You are my mother today
You will be my mother tomorrow

Have you ever met anybody who does not dream?
All of us have dreamt of something good or bad before
Some dreams are believed to foretell the future
While few dreams remind us of things we have forgotten

What are we going to do without our parents?
Remember how your parents always make sure
that you eat well before going to school
Even before that, you remember how your mother

We are all indebted to our teachers
These are the teachers who taught us
all the things we know and do today
Now you ask – who are these teachers?

The word power is ambiguous and mystifying
Power is interrelated and measurable
The word power is vague and ambivalent
Everybody is believed to have some form of power

Marriage is an institution that changes human life
After the wedding ceremony a brand new life begins
This means that nobody is ever the same again
Everybody anticipates better life after the wedding

For the world to be a better place for us and our children
It must become a just and a compassionate society
We need more love to replace the overflowing hatred
We need more kindness to replace the cruelty everywhere

How do you define human existence on earth?
Some say our life on earth is like a journey
The journey begins from the day we are born
And terminates the day we die

Everybody likes to be called a good person
All of us will prefer to be labeled a nice human being
What have you done to be called a good person?
What did you do to wear the label – a nice human being?

It is a natural fact of life that we human beings believe in
one thing or another – either tangible or intangible
The belief system of individual is sometimes determined by
parental heritage, place of birth, religion and societal values

He let me down once, she too disappointed me before
These are remarks nobody is happy to hear
It is generally said – promise is a debt!
Have you ever reneged on a promise?

Some of us look at the present state of this world
And wish things could be different
We imagine the way the world should be
We visualize and hypothesize - it is possible

The Best Poem Of Julius Babarinsa

Who Is Your Best Friend?

Everybody needs friends, we all have friends
Some friends are closer to us than our families
If we happen to fall, there are friends to pick us up
What will our life be without friends?
There are many categories of friendship
There are casual friends, bad friends and good friends
The question here is – who is your best friend?
Friends who can turn your tears into laughter
Is your wife your best friend?
I mean the friend you go to
When you need honest advice
Is your husband your best friend?
I mean the friend who knows you
More than you know yourself
Is your brother or sister your best friend?
I mean the friend who always assists you
To solve difficult personal problems
Is your father or mother your best friend?
I mean the friend you feel safe to keep secrets
Are your in-laws your best friend?
I mean the friend you can tell anything
Is your boss or co-worker your best friend?
I mean the friend who can cover you up at work
Is your son or daughter your best friend?
I mean the friend you use as sounding board
For all your confidential and private thoughts
Is your former classmate your best friend?
I mean the friend who cheers you up on bad days
Whoever may be your best friend, remember that
A friend in need is always a friend indeed

Julius Babarinsa Comments

Samuel Nze 22 January 2005

This Babarinsa boy is too pedantic!

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