Justin Gildow Poems

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Like A Moth To The Flame

Quiet my dear
Let's just hold each other for the time being
Let's just pretend there's no one else in the world but us
There's nothing to fear

Face To Face With The Jaquio

I've traveled many miles
Either by running or flying
To reach the Temple Of Darkness

The Carousel Keeps Turning In Tampa Bay

Here in Tampa Bay
Memories come flooding back
The waves that crash upon the shore add to the feelings of nostalgia
The sun does its job hanging in the sky


From my childhood and now to adulthood
I always knew when to expect you
I always knew when you'd come around
Because you're a part of my lifetime


After an hour or 2 of giving you a face and a smile
And for all intents and purposes that I've brought you to life
I'm more than happy to call you mine
I'm more than proud to claim you as mine

Friday The 13th

I walk on the dirt path
Glancing at the flowers as I pass them by
As well as passing by the many cabins
The sun is shining and there's not a cloud in the sky

Looking Down On The Earth

Climbing a ladder
It keeps going all the way into space
Yet I keep climbing
An urge continues to tell me to do so

Rock And Glitter For A Girl Group

Sing for me girls
Play for me girls

These days I've learned anything is possible

When The Going Gets Tough

The stars are out but the sky is dark
Things in the city are hanging in the balance
Now that the demons have arrived
Having been sent by their master

Journey To Lahja

Standing with you on the bridge
Underneath is a short jump down
Underneath are railroad tracks
Underneath is our ticket to Lahja

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