Justin Gildow Poems

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A Night Of Peace And Quiet

Out in the distance
Out in the fields
The horses chew on the grass
And we enjoy the sight from where we are

Finale In Song

The Queen greets us all
As we're all together with the night
So many sequences will follow
With the night flow


Walking down the dark corridor
And I'm restless as hell tonight
I'm counting my steps toward the door
With everything else crammed in my mind

The Ravishing Rusalkas

On the streets of the shire
I wait by the gazebo at the stroke of two
And I'm awaiting all of them
The Ravishing Rusalkas

Let Me Hold You Tonight

Good evening, my dear
Thank you for waiting for me
Our crucial night is near
And you and I hold the key

Wicked Child

Wicked Child
Tonight is your night
Enjoy your epic run
But be careful of the dark forces that are running around tonight

Wine Harvest

Wine Harvest has come once again
And autumn has set the perfect backdropp for it

Myself and countless others jump at the chance to participate in the grape stomp


I want to be in a world of believers
Where I'll get the opportunity to shake the tree
Where I can finally see miracles of divine intervention
To be in a world with good intentions

Maria Renard (Adult)

A lot more beautiful
And a lot more wiser
Maria Renard knows and understands the sinister actions of the night
No longer a young girl

Laguna Beach

The sun and the early morning have come
They've arrived in this town
This decrepit, decaying kingdom
I wake up from my goodnight sleep

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