Kailey Marie Abbott

Kailey Marie Abbott Poems

Love is just a dream
A dream you can never hold in your hands
A dream that never stays for long
A dream that fades away

Theres something different about you, something i can't explain.
And when i look at you i hear a song in my head
When i look at you i can't feel anything
When i look at you my heart beats faster than its ever.

Whatever happened to that day that I know in my heart I’ll treasure always?
Even though it’s long gone
I’ll never forget our same old song
Just another moment

I’m looking for someone that makes me laugh and smile
I’m looking for someone that will stay with me for a long while
I’m looking for someone that loves winter but hates the cold
I’m looking for someone to love and to hold

With you by my side I could do anything
I could be invincible
With you by my side I could climb the highest mountains
And we could look down at the world below us

I thought we’d be forever
I thought we’d be together
Forever cradled in your arms
Where I was safe from any harm


You’re drawing a heart?
What could that mean?
What does it mean?
Could it be a note?

You’re intoxicating
Your eyes
Your smile
I’m intoxicated with the way you make me feel

If you dropped me from a thousand feet
I wouldn't do anything but fall
Trying to enjoy the ride
If you dropped me from a thousand feet

Theres always a million of everything you see
A million stars in the sky
A million words in a picture
A million smiles in a day

When I walk by I don’t see you looking I don’t see you noticing.
When you walk by I look, I stop, I smile to myself.
I feel like I don’t exist around you and yet I feel like I’m the center of attention.
I wish to you I wasn’t the girl that no one can see.

Anywhere you are there will always be a friend
Someone to laugh with
Someone to smile with
A friend that cares

A small faded blue paper heart
Torn and rigid with marks of black pen
I made it just for you
But i haven't seen you in three years, but to me it feels like ten

Oh, you'll never know how much i've always loved you
I cared for you, I talked to you everyday
and still you'll never know how much i cared
I smiled at you, I accepted you


Blind to everything in the world
Blind to everyone in the world
When i see you i am blindto everything but you

Happy valentines day
For you i love
For you i hate
Happy valentines day

Hold my hand, never let it go
you call me at night
its 2 a.m here and 2 in the afternoon there
you say that your apartment has a real nice view of the city

Please don't leave
Please don't go
I wish for you
and my love i wish to show

You, Me, and Us
You have no reason to fuss
I have no reason to wish it any other way
We have no reason doubt it

Kailey Marie Abbott Biography

ever since i was in 3rd grade i've been writing poems, songs, and music. i got one of my first inspirations to write during this grade also. i met a boy whom i write most of my poems about. I love to write about love because, even though i am young, I have experienced it and love the feeling of love. I loved to write because it helps me escape from everything.)

The Best Poem Of Kailey Marie Abbott

Love Is

Love is just a dream
A dream you can never hold in your hands
A dream that never stays for long
A dream that fades away
Love is a kiss
Love is a fire burning bright
Love is a dream
Love just is
Love is just a dream
A dream you can never hold in your hands but feel in your heart
A dream that never stays for long but stays forever deep inside
A dream that may fade away in your mind but stays forever
Love is a kiss
Love is a fire burning bright
Love is a dream
Love Just Is

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