karen shabano

karen shabano Poems

Thoughts rush up,
Ideas surge,
Memories slam,
Worries trudge.

a moment of sadness
and three days of madness
we Indians strived a lot
we bravely shot and faught.

The most beautiful heavenly body of all,
Cos' you seem to rise and fall.
Gently you peer out of the sky,
And give us joy from your high.

The melody sounded in my mind,
The lyrics stole my heart.
Dumbstruck, I sat there blind,
Fascinated by that awesome start! ! !

The Best Poem Of karen shabano

Just Voice It

Thoughts rush up,
Ideas surge,
Memories slam,
Worries trudge.
Heavy is our head
Holding it all
Messing stuff up
True and tall.
To jump out of this
All to be done is,
Express enormous entities,
Raise your own fertilities
Whatever they say you are: jerk or freak,
Wake up your valiant, stand and speak...! ! !

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