katie shaw

katie shaw Poems

I thought they were there for you.
They're the ones that are supossed to help at the lowest times
They don't
They're the ones bringing you down

I have these gifts
I didn't recieve them in tiny boxes
There were no pretty little bows
I'm figuring them out over many years

The Best Poem Of katie shaw


I thought they were there for you.
They're the ones that are supossed to help at the lowest times
They don't
They're the ones bringing you down
You don't reconize it ' cause it's hard to
You drift farther and farther into thier trap
Then SNAP!
The claws close on you
Your heart is crushed
You were betrayed
They call themselves 'friends'
That's what they want you to believe
Well don't believe it
Don't trust anyone
You may be able to for a little while but know that it's not real
They'll suck you in
You'll fall for it without a doubt
Im warning you now
It's just betrayal

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