Kay Gaiser Poems

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For You

You move through me like the wind through aspen.
I arch my back, to ride a jump that seems too high until it rises.

When my breath catches, it is crisp, like winter,

Partner Past

To be with you gave me hope for good things to come,
promises of happiness, clear skies and glistening lakes,
of adventures limited only by the boundaries of our imaginations combined.


If one could sell love, I bet you could work there.
As he stacked & built your boxes, in excess, piled outside my door, I remember my chest filling with heat - freshly sent by you.
Or maybe, one can cover a person, as you did; each mesmerizing rub, a murmur of appreciation over my seeking skin.
In thanks, I give my body to you.


I am not sure what that feeling was,
But I seem to have lost it now.

I Wished

I wish you cared but I know you don't
Maybe it's your own self esteem
It hurts us both
Have you ever been spontaneous?


Your reach is long, but your tether short
As you watch me bleed from self-inflicted wounds,
You throw words at me, cold and hard like hail,
But they land soft and fleeting like snow.

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