Keith Foley Poems

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Certain Thoughts

There are certain thoughts that should be taught,
While walking the winding way.

The road's not clear my precious dear,

A Poem

Isn't a poem a wonderful thing,
Soaring (you) accross oceans then back again.

Or you can go down memory lane,


Waiting for a day that will never arrive,
Living a dream - keeping alive.

'Time' is so perfect, somewhere in space.

I Am

I am a cat with no claws, a dog with no bark, a tree with no leaves.
I am a rainbow with no color, a song with no music, a fire with no heat.

I am the sun with no rays, a cloud with no rain, the wind with no breeze.

Skippy The Frog

Skippy the frog alone on his pad,
Admiring his reflection as if his dad.

His frog legs are strong as he jumped so high,

Who Am I

I am That I Am.
I am whole yet part of a whole.
I am that which created me.

Thank You

How do we thank unbounded love?
Pulling down prayers from Thee above.

If prayers were a tree ripe with fruit,

Strong Weakness

I am a strong and very tough guy,
But the sound of the bus makes me cry.

She won't ride the bus or go to school -

What Can I Do

What can I do to lesson your grief?
My heart goes out - wishing you relief!

I'm sorry, and don't know what to say,

One More Day

Don't be sad, be glad you ain't the one lying here stiff as a board,

Wondering if you've done enough to score, the right amount of points,

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