Kim Robin Edwards Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Titanic (The Unsinkable Ship) :

What people believed in 1912.
Was a myth in the truth, placed on a shelf.
Was the unthinkable, unsinkable..
The fourty six thousand gross tons of steal.

A Dog's Life

In a dog's life.We get toy balls, and toy bones
to play with.In a dog's life.We get names like
Rover, and Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, and Lucky.In a
dog's life.We chase balls, and cats, and cars,

I Love Being Naked

I love being naked.
Taking my panties off,
and throwing them in the corner.
Taking my BVDs off,


When you look into my eyes.You see yourself.
Reflections of the way, you look at me.
You send into my heart.Your golden warmth.
I'm sending back to you, just what you need..

A Cat's Life

In a cat's life.We get a rubber mouse,
a shoe string, or a butterfly to play with.
In a cat's life.We get names like Sylvester,
Felix, Tom And Jerry, Morris, and Garfield.

A Horse Life

In a horse life.We can play with a burlap feed
bag, an empty milk jug, or chew on the barn stall
door.Just to kill some time, or to kill some every
day bordom.In a horse life.We get names like

Happy Independence Day

Blow up them firecrackers.
Light up the sky.
Because it's Happy Independence Day.
I've been meaning to say..

The Worst Poet

I'm the worst poet that's ever been.
Worst poet, and don't you know it.

I write for the world, to read my words.

I'M Ready For Love (Love Ballad) :

Take me to the ocean with you.
Hold me, don't ever let go.
Give me your heart if you will.
I will give you my love.

Two Lonely Hearts (Love Ballad) :

We've been apart, for a very long time.
Time is still on my mind.
I must find my way back to you.

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