Kirsty Sharman

Kirsty Sharman Poems

Poem written for a funeral of someone special, who's spouse also died a month previous, he left the living to be with the love of his life. Poem read as though it was husband reading it to his wife.

love is something that can not be touched, nor bought nor sold
love is something that never fades as you grow old

I watch you at night, only when you sleep
I watch you at night, so safe I want you to keep

Your dreams will take you, where I can not go

The Best Poem Of Kirsty Sharman

Love's Seasons

Poem written for a funeral of someone special, who's spouse also died a month previous, he left the living to be with the love of his life. Poem read as though it was husband reading it to his wife.

love is something that can not be touched, nor bought nor sold
love is something that never fades as you grow old

to start each day as if it were the first
gives us the passion to live through the worst

leaves scatter on the wind to where you can not see
but what always remains are the branches on the tree

love's memories are strong and do not blow
to see what remains, gives us strength to help grow

love's seasons pass but nothing does fade
the glow in my heart, this you have made

to love for life is something to treasure
and like the warmth of the sun, nothing to measure

like the air in sky, it will always remain
like the way that I know, I will see you again

so wait in the wind to where I shall find you
and as sure as the spring, I am not far behind you

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