Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Keep It Focused

You may never have a chance to start again.
There's no promises to end what just begins.

I Will Hunt You Down

You need not ever worry.
Or express a moment of concern,
If I am going to return to you...
Anything that I have borrowed.

Mental Beatings

Sitting mellowed out or not upon a couch.
With a peace one has,
Or has stopped.
All are finding,


Not a problem currently existing,
Can be seriously fixed...
To be revealed as is and dealt with!
Not if a continuous running away from it,

Picked For Celestial Punishment

There are those who seriously do not understand,
How it works!
The wilfull hurting of someone else.

Say It Bait It And Run

You can say it and run.
Say it and run.
About what's been done.
You can say it and berate it.

Released From A Mental Bondage

Being released from a mental bondage needless to keep,
Although once a condition accepted and perceived to represent...
A respecting of others in an environment which restricts,
Individual expressions expected to fit...

Suggested Exits

I lived through many seasons,
That came to go with an appreciation done.
Each one appealed with a growth remembered.
Although the experience,

Choose Another Path To Take

Too much energy continues to be wasted,
By those who lock horns in heated debates.
Often it is the repetition that feeds a need,
For people finding themselves in these positions.

With Attempts To Eliminate

The hardest fight anyone awakened today faces,
With attempts to eliminate...
Is against the overwhelming presence of mediocrity,
And those protecting their love for abundant ignorance.

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