Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sense Of Accomplishment

Thank you!
As long as readers like yourself,
Discover that I don't make sense...
At least 'something' has been achieved!

With A Seeking Of An Audience

Why argue with those,
Who have found comfort...
In their own redundancy.

Without An Adverse Affect

Respect the mind,
And all it gives.
Respect a friend,
For all that friend is!

Dependency On Others

All their problems began,
When a belief of being better than others...
Developed in the hiding from their own insecurities.

Weapons Used

The tongue!
The lack of knowledge known,
And expressed...

Where Has That Quality Of Life Gone Today?

Those that grow old but not 'up',
Live lives in recycled patterns.
A process that benefits routine...
Within set limitations,

As If This Was Dessert

Acquaintances they had,
With an assortment of personas known!
No one grew to know identities true.
A superficiality was all they shared.

Greedy Eagles

Even the eagles' greed have killed them!
Can you believe?
Bald eagles wet and can not fly?
Gorging themselves over wasted fish to die!

For Comments And Judgements

Does not come as quick.
As picking up a pen.
To think of something that begins.

Around And Around And Around

Although my comments were specifically stated.
A comprehension that was mentioned,
Relayed an unrelated message much foreign to mine.
And when I made attempts to correct this,

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