Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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With Nothing Changed

Those refusing to remove from their minds,
That which had been experienced in the past...
To accept with a moving on,
With a dawn each day that appears...

Nothing's Free

You've got to know...
Life becomes what it is to be.
And not what one believes is free.
Each of us have separate missions.

Expectations Existing

Don't get me mixed up with an image fixed.
Or innuendos heard through quick and juicy gossip.
I may feel to feed you with perceptions to believe are real.
But as those perceptions go to fade away,

I Wont Take It!

Give me what you love.
And not what you don't.
I wont take it.

Sometimes I Find...

If I concentrate with discipline everyday,
In the morning and at dawn...
With intent to pray.
I can face to chase my fears and doubts away.

We Need Help

What do you suppose that means?

What does 'what' mean? '

These Incidents Are Isolated Events

There is no need for anyone to resort to panic,
Just because a few disgruntled people...
Have somehow gained access,
With prior approval and security passes...

Solid As You Like It

Stabilized enough to keep,
In your eyes.
In your eyes,
I've got to be that rock.

Do You Prefer To Have It Spelled?

I too thought my elders,
Believed they knew so much.
When I had been younger,
And then out of touch.

Efforts With Taught Ethics

The wanters have been taught to believe,
They can receive what is teased with ease...
To dream as they vividly wish.
As they sit awaiting the delivery of it.

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