Hit Title Date Added
Man Know Thyself

Oh man! Why art thou governed thy mother's spirit?
Once thy heart like a lion's but now so feeble!
What has taken off thy place in the hall of the braves?
Sound me not that the whys are beauties and sex!

Love's Tenderness

Her voice whispers in the cold wind,
And the wind blew so cold to my ear;
Then heard the imports of her voice
Which tells me of her virgin's love for me

K-K My Angel

Good night and God bless
I would always say.
How long I have being?
On the receiving end;

Loving You Is So Beautiful

You brought me the sun
When I was in cold blooded
You brought me light
When I was in the dark

My Heart Felt

I feel something inside of me
I knowest not whence it comes
From the pit of my belly
Or from the depth of my heart

Pleasant Thoughts

I will quit war
And destroy all weapons
I will kill fear
And welcome and embrace peace

Pledge To My Heroes

Deeds of the heroes past gone to oblivion
And farewell is the sleeping heroes of hearts
Who with their last dropp of red rain fought?
Fought like the wounded lion to establish

Qualities Of Kas

You are fairer than words can say,
You are more beautiful than day,
As pale the moon in the clouded skies,
You're meant to be seen in your poor attires;

Sleepless Night

She is my dream girl
Every night I dream of her
Now I can't sleep at nights
‘Cause' I'm afraid of dreaming

She Lamented

I give him curses, yet he loves me
I frown at him, yet he loves me still
I find means to hurt him, yet he protects me from hurts
I laugh him to scorn when he passes, yet so sweet a voice he salutes me

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