Liilia Talts Morrison

Liilia Talts Morrison Poems

The sound of truth rings like a bell
with perfect pitch and timeless knell

There are no jarring overtones

A woman friend the other day
said someone left her stranded
the person moved to other scenes
the parting had been candid

My songs are like small grains of sand
Tossed in the sea of days
Small pebbles from my shaky hand
Cast toward hidden cays

In days of youthful heady daze
I'd follow butterflies
and run through dewy reeds and fields
and hum sweet lullabies

Thoughts arise of home-baked bread
Set on hearthen coals bright red
Grain hulled on the threshing-floor
Coarse hands forming loaves of yore

Kind words are never wasted
though falling on deaf ears
somehow each word is treasured
and can become more dear

The sky is ever azure
no cloud dare mar its view
as shepherds gather flowers
sweet maids to win and woo


The wounds of life can't be avoided
in work, in play, or deep within
none is immune to swords of battle
no man, no woman and no child

I've been granted blessings
not a few
challenges to conquer
and subdue

Faded denims wrap jaded New Yorkers;
Latin pinatas grace holiday porkers.
Okies with dusty pick-up tags
Run into troopers looking for bags.

What do you see there far away,
Horizon blue like you?
A touch of purple haunts your gaze
Enfolds your shoulders, too.

The spirit flies across the sea
where songs of locusts blend
with sounds of crystal waterfalls
in liquid turquoise dreams

I want to be a hummingbird
that flits from flower to flower
I want to spin my wings so fast
between fresh morning showers

they claimed the blood moon was most bright
when clocks of night
knelled five past three
and I agree


'Shhh' read the scribbles made in haste
upon that cold gray wall
as darkness covered alley paths
and dread fell over all

What's an oar and what's a paddle
what's a mount and what's a saddle
yaks in herds and flocks of birds
who can ever master words?

Watch the river currents flow
to and fro, to and fro
see the bubbles rise and grow
vanishing to depths below

What is a poem but a whisper
a lark, a sprite, a butterfly
a silver sparkle on the ocean
a fleeting cloud just floating by

A candle burns and melts away
its stately form transforming
but to a fleeting memory
of warmth and welcome glowing

no, she won't leave
not now
not ever

Liilia Talts Morrison Biography

Liilia loves Florida, which is the subject of many of her poems and writings. Favorite themes: the spiritual life, simplicity, color, nature & its creatures and things fallen to the wayside.)

The Best Poem Of Liilia Talts Morrison

Bell Of Truth

The sound of truth rings like a bell
with perfect pitch and timeless knell

There are no jarring overtones
or clouded fuzzy undertones

No harshness and no grating sound
its waves pierce solid rocky ground

It pierces every earthly thing
delighting birds to soar and sing

The hills applaud and clap their hands
and angels fly by its commands

Seek it above all treasured things
health, fortune, rubies, gold of kings

Seek it while walking on this earth
and know that heaven gave it birth.

Liilia Talts Morrison Comments

Margaret O Driscoll 05 January 2016

Liilia, your poetry is like a ' wildflowers from the glen', so so beautiful, I want to bind them in a beautifully bound book and treasure them forever! !

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Krista Nassehi 26 January 2014

Charming and lovely. I really enjoyed this one....something like the lessons of Aesop!

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