Linda Ori Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The World Is My Toy

The world is my toy, and I am the player -
No boundary is too vast for my imagination.
Everything I hope and dream is within my grasp -
I have but to reach out and take what is mine.

* Elusive *

As the butterfly
You kiss my brow
Then softly fly

' Winter Chill

There is a heaviness in the silence.....
Crystal flakes descend
Like a million tiny diamonds
Spilling from the heavens;


Time passes.....
And still we fail to see
How brief is our mortality;
Days flow


Brilliant blue splattered
With crayola colored leaves -
Wind blown and tattered.

The Gift

Treasure friendships while you may,
The ones for life, or just one day -
Each time we meet and share a thought
Is a precious moment not forgot;

! Because I Care

I would be your sunshine on a cold and cloudy day,
I would be your voice when you find no words to say,
I would be your comfort and your shelter from the storm,
I would be the fire in your heart that keeps you warm;

! The Fringe

The edge of reality,
The breath of a dream,
Not quite on the inside -
Removed from the scheme;

Ode To Charlie

Oh, my dear fair weather friend,
Do you think my love would end
If you forgot to spread your coat
So I could walk across the moat

Just A Little

Come love me just a little
When I have a rainy day,
Come love me just a little
When my skies have turned to gray,

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