Louis Borgo Poems

Hit Title Date Added

As a poet I was told to get straight to the point
As a man I like if you want to know about woman ask a woman
Learning I still am
As a student reject is a not the end but beginning to knew beginning

Eloquence Of Beauty

Eloquence OF Beauty

If time witnesses pleasure out way the balance do one follows
Eloquence Of Beauty

Light House

If a wave is a title wave have motion out sure weights the balance
Idea manifestation is it manifestation out stream the talent
Talent found pure out the miss sure of man faction what takes light that matter
Matter of fact time proliferation how does it out weight waves after title waves of storm

Sentiment Of Love

The clock that sweep the watch I was a man about it
Heartbroken and torn how do we find an preposition of a corner revenue of a
Statue of tamest
Of life

Signs And Ambition

Signs and Ambition
Warm weather early nights every piece of victory does it sound barbarity
To believe to hope to have dreams and ambition
Is it the time’s

Test Of Faith

If all things come back to the center and glossary is a philosophy store tell amazement of a golden tree
And if I am reading for meaning self of tone stander of time and meaning
To reason what importance of
The essence of the apple to look at all fruits Do they all come from a tree?

Flame On Ice

To reassure kindle the spiritual,
Open eyes to open shelter,
Look you square in the eyes no words spoke,
No Lie

Title Wave

If I'm In It To Get It I'm In It To Win It,

If I'm In It To Win It I'm In It to Get It,

Heaven Thumber

III said
We will never lost
III said we will never love
What, what, what,


Stone of the dirty year in day,
Carrier on like plate in stove days does love goes on and on and on
Mark the place position time a date for heaven gates could it be a bigger picture
Then the apple of A Tree

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