Lucia Domingos Fula Poems

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A Special Friend Named Shanel

This is dedicated to a friend, who is very close and special to me,

Shanel kamara
You are my friend, my sister and best peer that is true,

100% Albino

I’m black in the inside and I’m white in the outside.
People call me black white sheep, some call me stupid and some say weird.
Just because I have pale skin and my eyes don’t see clearly. It doesn’t make me any different than you.
I’m still human.and I do what humans do.

Life Is A Teacher.

Life is a puzzle that challenges the master mind
Life is a struggle
Life is commitment
Life is a mystery

The Structure Of Life.

There’s a time to be born, a time to die
A time to laugh, a time to eat
A time to cry, time to be quiet,
A time to love, time to hate.

Why I Love My Sister!

this is dedicated to my sister Joana fula.

I love my sister because she is crazy, hyper, funny, I love my sister because no matter what she is always there for me.

Goodbye My Love!

Every time I wake up my mornings it doesn’t feel the same without you.
Every time when I wake up I feel like something is missing and I feel empty.
Every night I fall asleep
I sleep in hopes of dreaming,

Some Friends In Our Lives.

Some friends come into our lives and quickly go.
Some friends come and trouble our life.
Some friends motivate our souls to dance.
They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom.

O God, Hear My Pray

I kneel down today, to seek for your ear
As I need you to hear
What I’m about to say.
I kneel down today, begging for mercy

Do Not Ever Stop Believing

Don't ever be reluctant
to show your feelings.
Don't ever be afraid to try new things,
you might be surprised at the results.

All Because Of Me I Took It’s Soul

Somebody who should have been born
is gone.
My heart bleeds and the crime that I did bears me such shame, pain.Such a beautiful, innocent
soul that I don't even know it’s name.

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