Luke Easter Poems

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A Strong Woman Vs. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day,
Pride in her appearance she portrays,
But a woman of strength kneels to pray,
Her soul in shape, God leading the way.

1 Awesome God! (Speak The Word Only)

Praise God! Yes! He's the only 1 who is truly Awesome,
Hell No! Satan is simply not all that powerful and great,
What kind of lord and master gets locked in a bottomless bit?
Especially without his own key to unlock the gate?

I Am A Bird Flying Free

I am a bird flying free with my thoughts,
Form my nesting tree I gallantly fought,
Every sinister wing and feather flown,
That tried to endanger my happy home.

A Seat On The Bus For Rosa (In Memorial)

Finally, it’s time to go,
All day I’ve pushed peddles with my feet,
I’ll hurry to the bus stop,
Being sure to get a good seat.

Smoking, Drinking & Drugs

So, you are smoking, drinking & doing drugs,
'That is right and I should not because'?
Our bodies are a Temple, to the Sanctuary of Christ,
They are only on loan due to His sacrifice.

Children & Teens On The Internet

The information highway,
Travels at the speed of sound,
Anything you need to know,
Leaps in a single bound.

Allah-Muslim Or God-Christianity / Which One?

Would you ever want to reach the paradise of praise?
Surely from each breath is the great sincerity of ways,
Goodness and Charity, the seeds that are loving sown,
Faith and patience so carefully harvested when grown.

1 Cross + 3 Nails = 4 Given

Mathematics! 1 Cross + 3 Nails = 4 Given,
So, what is the total sum your life has been liven?
Do you add and multiply only the Christian good?
Dividing or subtracting wrongs to the brotherhood?

1 Corinthians 13: 11 When I Was A Child

Walked into a sanctuary office, the place had a layer of dust,
Do you think Jesus smiles at this or looks on with disgust?
A spot left unclean will soon become a permanent stain,
Doubt the word of God to long and unbelief will remain.

A Child Of The King

Do you know who your father is?
I know mine, I am a Child Of The King!
My Father is unlimited in His abilities,
Readily equipped to do any and everything.

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