Luke Easter Poems

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Prayer & Fasting

Fasting is not what you wanted to hear me say,
However, sometimes it is the only way,
One person’s treasure is another’s trash,
They didn’t need to but you’ll have to fast.

The Old House

The red skies engulf clouds under the bay,
Stealthy silence sweeps the current away,
Islands, harbor, creeks, shoals and rocks,
They entice, hypnotize, reversing the clock.

A Child’s Views

Do I remember at the age of 6 watching Mr. Ed the talking horse?
Thursday’s after school and did I believe he could talk, of course,
Cartoons and the Little Rascals so I never had time for the news,
The Three Stooges, Mickey, Daffy and Mighty shaped my views.

Are You A Christian Or A Disciple?

In your mind be strong if physically weak,
Under all circumstances continue to seek,
I’m a Disciple and very proud to proclaim,
Yes! Eternally blessed by His holy name.

A Prayer To You Lord God

Dearest the Lord thy God,
I come to You on bended knee,
Giving praise, honor and glory,
And whatever else pleases Thee.

A Soldier In The Army Of Christ

Are there currently trials and tribulations in your life?
Where as you’re going through a real hard time right?
You’ve prayed and asked in the name of Jesus Christ,
Chaos is still there smack dab in the middle of the fight.

Another Bible?

Just when I think I’m finished writing,
There’s movement from the spirit within,
As I sit down in front of the computer,
Still another new poem begins.

'Tiger Woods' His Eagle Has Landed Due To Sex & Buddha?

Amazingly the Eagle has unofficially landed on Wednesday12/02/2009,
An accident early Thanksgiving Day clipped Tiger’s wings in his prime,
What is it that brought down this bird flying above the stars set on high?
Well, lets just say that even in a Cadillac SUV, Eagles should not drive.

George Zimmerman, 'Not Guilty' A Travesty Of Justice?

What happened to Trayvon Martin shouldn’t happen to any 1,
And yet, this killing is not the worse thing that has been done,
Weekend before George Zimmerman’s not guilty of any & all,
51 Black on Black gunshots 40 wounded 11 would fatally fall.

2nd Amendment Right To Bear Arms Or Not

There is a move in this country to keep guns out of schools,
And yet our Founding Fathers found it to be a rightful tool,
The Pledge of Allegiance is removed which instilled pride,
We banned the bible but sexuality, students need not hide?

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