Lynne Howard

Lynne Howard Poems

Formidable clouds begin to appear
In a somewhat ominous sky
Crash of thunder in the distance
Impending storm intensifies

What secrets are revealed
Whilst mirrored in that chair
All caped or gowned and waiting
For the trusted hairdresser to share

Walking down a country lane
In the dead of night
The hedgerow suddenly comes to life
Exploding in a burst of light

Ascending the 199 steps to Whitby Abbey
One has to be made of sturdy stuff
Taking respite to admire picturesque views
And to alleviate symptoms of being 'out of puff'

Beauty of friendship comes deep from within
Without regard to origin or colour of skin
Aesthetic value plays no part
It's what we feel inside our heart

Autumn chill is in the air
Trees rustling excitedly in the breeze
Fading light of summer sky
Bringing calm and peace

Gathering around the table on Turkey Day
Hands joined together heads bowed to pray
Giving thanks for the food we share
And to our families who show they care

Flicker of the candle long ago
When he first caught my eye
One look across the smoky room
The attraction so hard to defy

Tranquility of the cherry blossom
Beautiful lady sits pensively
Whiling away the hours
Contemplating her destiny

Aromatic flavour of the spices
Curry lovers to thyself be true
Keep a glass of water at the ready
It may just be vindaloo

No one can put themselves
Into another person's shoes
Only they know how they fit
In the battle of the blues

Butterflies roam free
wildflowers they do seek
alighting each delicate petal
on which to rest their tiny feet

Staring through glass deep inside her thoughts
Oblivious to snowflakes falling on the window sill
Sitting at a desk quill dipped in ink
Preparing to practice her calligraphy skill

Thinking of friends long ago
Who have touched our hearts
Triggered by a photograph or a song
Selective memory plays a part

Tucked away in a tiny box
Except for once a year
My little golden heart
On Valentine's Day does appear

Arriving at the airport by rail or by car
To depart on a journey to lands afar
Luggage all tagged and documents cleared
Time for security check like cattle are steered

The middle-aged man's wife has gone
Seeking solace from another man
Erratic behaviour she could take no more
Weeping silently she closed the door

Our online friends touch us daily
From different walks of life
Enveloping us with warmth and kindness
To ease the pain and strife

Leisurely stroll along tree-lined path
Down in glorious Devon
The footpath leads to Cockington
A little piece of heaven

The eyes are often described
As mirrors to our soul
Reflecting cluster of emotion
A story to unfold

The Best Poem Of Lynne Howard

Stormy Night

Formidable clouds begin to appear
In a somewhat ominous sky
Crash of thunder in the distance
Impending storm intensifies

Rain pelting on the windows
Lightening bolts electrify
In an otherwise darkened room
Act of nature no power supply

Not all is lost a fire is lit
And candles strewn across the room
Heat is generated in many ways
To stave off the doom and gloom

Sheepskin rug in front of blazing fire
Wine bottle and two glasses stand nearby
Logs splutter and crackle in the grate
Waiting for the sparks to fly

Two bodies intertwine
In desire and heavenly bliss
Dancing shadows reflecting on the wall
Pent-up passion released with a kiss

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