M. Asim Nehal Poems

Hit Title Date Added
What If The Sea Were To Talk To Me ~

If the sea were to talk to me,
I'd listen closely to its song,
to catch the tales it wants to tell,
of the life it carries along.

Shrewd Will Outsmart The Brave- A Hunter And A Fox.

In the meadow the huntsman waits,
his firearm aimed, he anticipates,
the duck quacks, an easy prey,
and the huntsman shoots without delay,

Life Is Too Short To Fulfil All Dreams....

Life is fleeting, like a passing dream,
we have limited time, it may seem.

We yearn to soar, among the clouds so high,

This Chewing Gum Is So Long And So Thin ~

This chewing gum is so long and so thin,
It's like a never-ending elastic string,
I chewed and I chewed, but it never ends,
No matter how much I try to pretend,

A Closed Secret Door With A Hidden Key

A closed secret door with a hidden key somewhere,
though eyes sees not, mind perceives it deep
mysteries that enshroud the secret of what lies ahead,
so many secrets, before even one is said,

In Twilight's Hush

In twilight's hush, where shadows dance and play,
I found the truth, in a world of gray,
the realization hit me like a ray of light,
and all my doubts vanished and took back the flight.

Life Of A Tree.

Winter's chill has biten its branches bare several times,
summer sun burnt its cover with a promise in the air.
yet It stands defiant, strong by answering nature's call,
It gives oxygen to living creatures for a vital breath,

Haiku Series - Nature's Service To Mankind

The trees, they whisper
whispers of ancient wisdom
nature's gift to us.

Urge / Desire

When the sun was on the verge of setting
and the moon revealed its glimpses
the weary looking faces
began to radiate in my eyes

At Old Age Home

In an old age home, a tale of a young girl unfolds,
her eyes filled with tears and her heartache untold.
Her parents kept it clandestine and held their lips tight,
Until the school took the students to the old age home site.

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