Mac Wilkey

Mac Wilkey Poems

A space ship landed over there
No one’s believed me yet
I walked on over after dark
And took my friend the vet

Yes, pain has a face
It's not that obscure

A whirling wind uplifts a leaf
Brings childish laughter midst my grief
And though my sorrow tears at me
There’s also room for Lana’s glee.

God knows who anonymous is
He knows why storms hit or miss
He governs all of nature's laws
For each effect, He is the cause

A preacher came up from Georgia-he was looking for some souls to win
He was in a bind; he was way behind-he was willing to buck the trend.
He first went up to Smyrna, a church out in Tennessee
And the preacher said to a church ‘bout dead, “Folks, listen to me.”

“Show him our finest, ” the shop owner said
“This customer’s richer by far
“Than anyone else that you’ve seen in our store
“Don’t stare; no don’t glance at his scar.”

The rancher rode his horse one night, the snow piled on the trail
He’d traveled far to get back home, but feared that he might fail
But when the stars shone brightly; he knew he wouldn’t stray
The wise men must have looked above and followed that same way.

If I were a bear, I would barely breathe
As the bees swarmed near—til my courage grew
When my memory of past stings grew dim
I would reach within; what could six bees do?

I can’t say forgive them ‘cause, Father, they know what they do.
I picture them floating around in hypocrite stew.
They won’t take a life raft though you’ve thrown ‘em out more than two.
I can’t say forgive them ‘cause, Father, they know what they do.

Well, you’ve heard of Jim Thorpe and the other greats,
But have you heard of a fellow who really rates
A notch ahead of that Indian back?
He was rough and tough—old Fullback Jack.

There’s A Little In All of Us

There’s a little bitty dog in all of us like the one that wags his tail
We sit up straight when we sense a treat or the mailman brings the mail

Her ponytail swiveled; she even looked mean-
Not yet five feet tall though nearly fourteen.
Coach motioned to her; she knew what that meant
She couldn’t hold back and started to sprint.

They’d like for us to believe that
Mere matter in various forms
Combined in coincident order
Like particles driven by storms.

Night just doesn’t go away –
She lingers well into the day,
And won't admit her time is up
At least until the second cup.

Have you ever just wondered what God has in store
When He’s saying, “Be patient—just one battle more? ”
Does He know all the burdens that you have to bear?
Does He know that you’re hurting; does He hear every prayer?

I listened Sunday morning
To all the singing birds;
I saw no choir director
And heard no human words.

He’s big enough to hang the stars in Heaven;
His power is such He calmed the raging sea.
He’s pure enough to be the Lamb Most Holy,
But He loved enough to die for you and me.

Why does a precious baby coo
And snuggle at you neck
When life has been so troublesome
And made your day a wreck?

This spot on earth was once a forest green
Acacia trees grew strong-so thick and tall
But axe or saw had never touched their bark
For lightning struck before these trees could fall.

Mac Wilkey Biography

Mac is an electrical engineer with the Tennessee Valley Authority who writes poetry as a sideline. Although he has written poems and short stories since his college days, his outputincreased sharply beginning in 1990 when God seemed to be giving him specific glimpses of life and concepts and characters in the Bible. His first book, God Let Me See the Hedge, was published by in September 2004. Other specific poems have been published on various Internet sites including where his poems were twice selected by John Evans as the focus for his monthly editorial. Mac is planning to publish a second book to be titled My Dad Never Took Shortcuts in late 2005. The new poems published at are to be included in the new book.)

The Best Poem Of Mac Wilkey

A Spaceship Landed Over There

A space ship landed over there
No one’s believed me yet
I walked on over after dark
And took my friend the vet

We couldn’t find the little men
We searched and searched inside
So I sat in the pilot’s seat
And said, “Let’s take a ride.”

A voice said, “Early earthman” then
A glass dome dropped around
My nerves grew calmer when I heard
A high-pitched hissing sound.

My friend, the vet, was diagnosed
Perhaps, I guess, by smell.
Some gizmo stashed him in a cage
Which didn’t fit him well.

We traveled fast through space and time
To planets far and near
And ended up where we began
On early earthman’s sphere.

“Inoculate” then “Yes” and “No”
Words flashing on a screen
I smiled as I selected “Yes”
Now Doctor Bill is green.

He hasn’t had a cold in years
But sometimes late at night
He swings through trees: I wonder which
Is worse—his bark or bite

And me—I’m glad I had a pen
And glad I chose to write
Those lotto numbers through the years
We sped through on that flight

Mac Wilkey Comments

Rahul's Girlfriend 10 July 2021

Rahul, please call me tonight and lay down with me...

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Rahul 11 May 2018


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Rutuja Sharma 10 July 2021

Hey Rahul, I'm your darling. Would you like to with me tonight?

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