Mahfooz Ali Poems

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Prisoner Of Journey

I have forgotten simple needs,
picking fallen fruit on sunlight,
wandering in wildflower meadows,
So, now I stand at the edge of my memory,

Aftermath: Back To Home

I found the road
that was left behind
and none the worse for wear
or time...

An Untold Ode

You told me to do this, you told me to do that,
If I don’t agree, you resort to combat.
You did not like my friends; you did not like my girl friends,
When you had an opinion, you never shy

Silent Tears

Lost in a world I do not know.
I am a child, who is not that old.

Young, but yet wise be

I Know I Do: Soaring Thoughts

While sitting alone in my thought's today,
I wonder what I am thinking,
Of dreams and hopes I yet can live or of yesterday's?
The dreams I live forever,


If I had known
Whittle a stick
Way ward heart
Scintilla of magic

Bowl Full Of Sky Is In My Mind.

I took it upon myself one day,
To fill a bowl with sky
I scooped the vast space with a spoon,
The sparkling blue stars brought tears to my eyes.

In My Imagination

I am a fearsome viking,
Upon the stormy seas,
Sailing in my gravy boat
Across the Bay.

Vibrant Play Of Words: A Ponder

Sitting alone -
With two trees:
Black trunks, horizontal branches
Stretch a pattern on the sky,

Just About An Imagination.

I Imagine a paper that is unstained in ink
And I have given a day in forever to think.
My pencil is sharpened, My mind is alight,
And yet I cannot think of something to write.

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