Maia Padua Poems

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Just Love Me The Way I Love You

If you stare into my eyes,
Will you see my love for you?
If you look at my lips,
Will you know all my words

Sunshine On Cloudy Days

for my friends,

Without you,
Days seems so dark and gloomy

Smile Behind The Pain

Words came like falling leaves of autumn
Slowly touch its body to the soft ground
Until when it will lay there?
Until hurt fly like dust, blown by soft wind.

Sultry Wind

Sultry wind, I seek for you
Yes, there you are by the shore
I read history of yonder wind
Rain sizzles by summer

Lost Within Myself I

Sitting in a melancholy room
Thoughts drifted afar
Eyes expressionless, staring blankly
Across the open window

Lost Within Myself Ii

If not in a monastery,
Where should I be?
Aside from poetry,
What else would make happy?

Love Remains

Gone are the days of love letters
Of long-stemmed roses and chocolates
Gone are those sweet words uttered
As if your lips were closed and sealed.

Windows Of My Love

Through my eyes
Unspoken voice of infinite love be seen
Soothing like rainbow in the crimson sky
Great longing, unveiled

A Chance

A chance
God have given us
A life to cherish, a life to nourish
A chance to live to its fullest.

While We Live

while we live
let's take the chance
to see the beautiful sights
woke up at dawn

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