Majid Mohammed

Majid Mohammed Poems

Our Country our Nation,
lets live together with no discrimination,
let us live in peace of every hour,
our leaders to secure our future of development power,

Sad times i live,
Good times promising,
All i want is to survive,
Am i worth living,

Never felt so strong
Poverty been so long
Now i ride on my own
Its a very new dawn

Here's a story of a boy,
Life felt like a biblical story,
Always looking for some glory,
But what youu dream aint reality story,

Look at how we changed,
How we spoke one truth and everybody changed,
How we stay away on negative,
Just to wake up on negative side,

Harms way
Foul play
Dark day
Contemplating how people hated us for nothing

A mother surviving with twelve children,
Surrounded in poverty living in bushy den,
Wandering up and down like an athlete women,
Married to a husband with two wifey women,

I fall but I never cry
I hate the haters but I still lie
The top becomes a skycrapper
The ink just flooded the papper

Everyone you meet in your life
They all play some role
Some may stay some may go
Some are loyal some are just a mole

the house of a broken tears
the wives the children they can never bare
a master with the grayed beard
a father with the wealth of ten share.

She praying to God but wont talk back,
Her faith is die-in she went off track,
Her parents believe her wish will soon be achieved,
Her soul is greed as she grieved,

my eyes are still closed,
my lifestyle am still choosing,
my head is still hurting,
my heart and my pocket is still broke,

I open my eyes in a dark room,
i cant see a thing, is this my doom?
my heart pounding away from my body,
my soul fighting, , am i dead or am i dreaming?

On a blink of an eye,
drowning in a sea
with a drink on my hand.
Without saying goodbye,

i made a loving tree
a way to be free
the wild i could see
and the man i could be

You got to make a plan
or you will be in a cane,
no one will give you a hand
and you will be all alone at the end.

I've been thinking with greatness,
Once you come back in reality your lonely,
Poverty is another name of shortness,
We have everything except the money,

Wanted to be the boss,
A gang i joined,
Selling drugs and dopes,
Trying making my way to the top,

The future becomes today,
Today becomes the past,
Still wondering which is the right way,
Trying to find the meaning of life,

They will talk to put you out,
Laugh to put you down,
When you fall they will laugh with a shout,
They wanna see you fall and drown,

The Best Poem Of Majid Mohammed

Our Country Our Nation

Our Country our Nation,
lets live together with no discrimination,
let us live in peace of every hour,
our leaders to secure our future of development power,
lets not advertise war but peace.

The security of our country is our priority,
security and to make peace with our neighbours, town and country,
our political difference should not divide us,
at the end who makes a country is both of us,
lets not advertise war but peace.

Lets not live in fear of each other,
but rejoice our peace with one another,
we are free and bond to our country,
our Country our Mother and our Father,
lets not advertise war but peace.

Lets fly the white dove,
and together we can build our love,
lets all live in peace,
and in peace we shall live,
lets not advertise war but peace.

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