Margaret Alice Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Burnt my bridges, told an Afrikaner Oom
I believe all people are right, the only
thing I reject is rejection, the Western
spiritual tradition is quite decadent

A Cadenza For My Credenza

Remaining in a social space, not enclosed alone in
a lonely office is working well, brain stimulated,
living in a fish tank lends meaning to every
action, adding value to everything

Scared Too Early In Life 10.8.2008

Listen to the Skater’s Waltz, my heart bursting,
what beautiful melodies, I love waves of feeling
overpowering heart and soul, love the impression
of rising up on the notes; what I love even more

Trautliebster Requirements

This Pearly, Shiny, Twitching Permit shall not
be interpreted granting exemption from
compliance with subliminal provisions


For Alet

Pavane for a pervert, permission to
be promiscuous, thinking perhaps ‘tis

Wakeful Sleeplessness (Rev.) 10.12.2008

Oh marvelous,
another opportunity for spiritual growth,
tried stewing beef, a new cut of meat,
tasted so good we finished it all, I should

Ecstasy Of Excellence

The ecstasy of excellence is the only worthy kind to
cultivate, to play at being Salieri, promoting one-self
while admitting that one’s myrmidons are rather
tone-deaf with an unmusical mind

A Wasted Day

Monday 13 October 2008

The sun didn’t shimmer today, the sky
was not blue, only white and hazy, my

Dancing To A Melody

I’m floating and dancing to a melody,
swimming in the open sea of an open-
plan office, creating my own ice floe,
my own sacred space, typing a trade

To Soar Above… 10.14.2008

I’m scared of sinking into my body,
trying to hover a few metres from it,
yesterday my body fettered my soul
and manacled my mind

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