Marieta Maglas Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Passionate Tango

Unforgettable moments
Sensations and thrills

A Fool's Game

In this fool's game that shouldn't begin,
You play deep love without honest rules.
If you think that you will always win,
Well, it's wrong, 'cause this game is for fools.

This Universe

I want to describe this universe.
I want to say that I found it useless,
More useless than the hidden green
In the fecundity

Poem For Thorsten

My unique perfect love,

The world will never be separated
into two parts from now on.

Invisible Kiss

You may touch me.

I can't wait for something to happen.

Spinning Life

I'm ready to live
on this planet
moving in spirals
up and down

Transient Beauty

In the mirror of her eyes~
all the hues of the edelweiss,
a shining star for one night.

And If It's Love

If it is love, and whispers touch the river's wave,
And if it's hope, but the sun's rays can hit your eye,
As well as the diamond tips in ring words engrave,
It's not for you to get your secrets very high,

The Blue Of His Face

This angular house
is flooded with silence and solitude
the blue of his sad face
is a photograph

Sarwar Chowdhury, The Poet From Bangladesh

I'm telling you about Bangladesh, a wonderful country,
Located in the Bay of Bengal, on its northern coast,
Between Brahmaputra and Ganges, a triangular territory
Extending eastward to embrace the Surma River Valley...

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