Marilyn Lott Poems

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The World Of Chicken

Oh how I love them chickens
Why, they make the world go ‘round
I’ve always enjoyed being near
The cluck cluck chicken sound

I Wanna Be A Cowgirl

I used to wanna be a cowgirl
A hat plopped atop my head
Wearing the dresses with fringes
A gun on a stand by my bed

Ducks In The Sunset

They stood beside the water
Their little bodies' dark this night
A backdropp of brilliant sunset
It was a glorious precious sight

Autumn Dream

We hear the rustle of drying leaves
Their crunch beneath our feet
The air is cool as the season changes
And it smells so earthy and sweet

2007 Red Earth Parade

You wouldn’t believe the regalia
So bright with feathers and beads
Adorning their beautiful dresses
There were all the necessary needs


The Silence of a new day dawning
For nothing will forever stay
The sunrise is always so different
As we’re starting a brand new day

A Day At Kimbell Park

I had such a wonderful time
At Kimbell Park the other day
It’s a beautiful place to visit
And where your kids can play

A Day Of Reflection

Sunday is a special day
To reflect upon the past
To find a kind of happiness
Then pray that it will last

A Miracle Of Color

It’s a rainbow across the sky
So beautiful to me
As though a huge guided hand
Swiped a paintbrush for us to see

Adorable Snowman

There is nothing quite like a snowman
Excited children have created
Every little thing they have added
Simply cannot be understated.

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