Marilyn Lott Poems

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My Mom

My mom was always at our home
When we climbed off the bus from school
A delicious dinner on the table always
We were taught the important golden rule.

Being A Mother

It isn't just about giving birth to a baby
That defines a mother completely
A woman can simply walk away
For whatever reason there may be.


I have in my flower garden
Right by the front door
A flower so lovely and fragrant
I found it at my garden store.

Wild Fern

He started as a tiny little plant
Within my flower bed
I could have pulled him up
But I chose to keep him instead.

Black Eyed Susan

Her name is Black Eyed Susan
Dark velvety her pedals are
If she were in a contest
Well, she truly would be a star.

Just For Mother

As I look through old letters and cards
Sent to my mother years ago
They really bring back memories
Because I love her so

Spring Delights!

Spring is such a pure delight
When weather starts to warm
Flowers open up for us
In the city or out on the farm

Art And People Watching

Do you ever go to an art show
And spend much of the time
Looking at the people there
People watching is fun I find

Flowers Of Spring

The flowers of spring are so welcome
And diverse depending on the place
But it doesn’t matter which flowers
Are grown in their own special place

Vacation Memories

It is such fun to look back
To vacations we’ve had in the past
A different time and circumstance
But then nothing ever lasts

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