Marilyn Lott Poems

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I Want To Share My Flowers

I want to share my flowers
Especially with you
I know that you'll enjoy them
With all you have to do.

Blue Is For Forget-Me-Nots

I'll tell you how it happened
That I came upon this blue
Inside my dad's greenhouse
I bet you'd love it too.

Birthday Poem

I thought I'd write a birthday poem
And yes, that poem's for me
We do not need to count the years
I'm still here; it's a blessing, you see.

Sunday's As A Child

Sunday's are special; it's always been that way
I remember as a child before church I would
Put on my best dress with patent leather shoes
A pot roast in the oven was always understood.

Memorial Day, A Day Of Pause

Memorial Day is a day of pause
It means so many things
For many it's a day from work
Relaxing it could mean.

Old Barn With Tetons

We were driving through Antelope Flats
At Grand Teton National Park
When around a corner we saw a sight
That was striking, beautiful and stark.

My Red, Red Roses

So beautiful and so fragrant
I'm so proud of them, you see
I've had them for a few years
They are all I want them to be.

Pink Impatient

Do you want to find a plant
That is perfect for everything?
It is a flower that is suitable
From the very early spring?

God, Tell Them I'm Sorry

We often wish we could have the chance
To apologize to our Mom and Dad
For the things we did so thoughtlessly
Those memories can make us feel so sad.


I love when a storm is coming in
Waiting for the raindrops to begin

A mixture of clouds, oh my, such fun

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