Mary Nagy Poems

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A Collision Of Souls

When she first saw him walking like a God down to the lake
she knew it was the last free breath that she would ever take.

Right then and there she knew it, her world forever changed.

Walking Away From Your Life

You've seen the huge piles out at the curb.
Have you ever wondered how it got there?
How could somebody just walk away
from everything they own?

All Mothers Love Their Children..............Yeah, Right!

People always say
''Every mother loves her child...
in her own way.''
That's BULL!


I pray one day for happiness.
I pray one day for peace.
I pray one day I'm left alone
and this pain will finally cease.

The High Road

It's up to you so choose it.
You see which way to go.
How good a person are you?
Is it the high road or the low?

Buried By Haiku

I'm here
amongst the huge pile of haiku.
Can you see me?
I hope you do.

Just A Mushy Love Poem

I know you think it's cheesy, but I'm going to tell you why
I love you and I can't help swoon and almost want to cry.

I love you for the look that sets my soul ablaze.

The Sour Stench Of Childhood

When he asked about my childhood
I knew not where to start.
The scents began to flood my head
while strangling my heart.

As We Watch The New Year Start

To start the New Year off this way
surrounded by our friends......
is just what we had hoped for!
Let's hope this feeling never ends.

A Lesson From The Birds

Lying in my hammock, I'm looking at the sky.
No matter what goes on down here, the birds go sailing by.
They don't pay me attention, for I am no concern.
I feel if I watch long enough, there's so much I could learn.

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