Medea Kali Poems

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Hate Undone

I wish the plane you're going to board crashes
And you and what I have of you turns to debris and ashes
As you fly across oceans and lands
On your way to that distant land with foggy beaches, skinny-legged tramps

Thoughts Of Black

Empty, cold, I feel so morbidly alone
To think these thoughts every day or two
To have the same feelings of yesterday
Is this what you have to offer me?

Reshaping Reality

Smoking the day's last cigarette
Sipping my last cup of coffee
Silence, the curse of the night
Most of God's creations just go to sleep

Ode On A Summer Night

This is a bad dream, a morbid vision
of what is not supposed to be
Haze in my eyes from God's forbidden weeds
Medea's revenge on Butterfly's long awaited savior


No white rose to grace your grave
Not enough tears to abolish the hate

They stand so aloft and haughty

The Lover

Nastassya, you stand laughing at my foolery
My morbid obsession of thee
Among fallen women, you say; but
Thou art the princess of my dreams

The Idiot

On a warm spring day, the river mirrors
Images of trees on banks, vividly expressive
Of every speck and detail
Mine soul is a reflection of thee

The Aristocrat

A diamonded jewel in a wretched sphere
I found thee, hungry and weak
I took thee under mine own wing
Thou wert a rare queen belonging to me


There's always a door
There's always a prison behind that door
The sea of your jeweled dreams
will vapor amidst waves of broken hopes,


Not a lonely place for me... NO more
This globe shook, turned and tossed him
right unto me
Friday chills and lazy afternoons

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