Melvina Germain Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Making Love

Somewhere out there, where lovers meet.
In the still of night, with muted light.
Lilacs fragrance consume the air.
Basking in it's perfume, you lay there.

Erotic Joy

The warm breeze
of ecstasy
caressed my naked body,
holding me suspended

A Poets Rant

My Rant (If you're already in a bad mood, don't read this)

Do Humans want peace or do they have that certain element within that says I have to go out today and hurt someone, or just be as mean as I can be without touching them but affecting them inwardly until they fall. What is it that makes some people so cruel that they jab at a persons heart until the heart finally fails or until the person can't take it anymore and jabs back even more cruel hurting the wrong people.

Never Look Back.....I Disagree

It has been said, one must never look back, move on,
push toward the future. Yesterday is gone, old news
so to speak. I disagree and believe the opposite. One
must look back and remember the atrocities of

(084) Thank You Lord

I thank you Lord for this life,
even during times of pain and strife.

I thank you Lord for teaching me to pray,

(088) Pity Me

Pitiful, pitiful, pity me,
how sorrowful life can be.

I live my life as I see fit,

The Holy Spirit

(935) Make Me Smile

I close my eyes and think only of you,
for you are my drink of champagne,
my light, my treasure, my cup of tea,
my love, you are everything to me.

I'm Homeless

I'm homeless to the world
no place to call my own
you plucked me from the vine
blindfolded me and took me away

No Camoufalge Here

I watched the news and heard that another Black man was shot to death in the United States and these words came to me. I wasn't going to share this one since I'm writing a new book about this sadness but here it is...

No Camoufalge here

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