Melvina Germain Poems

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They See Ya Comin (The New Technicians)

They see ya comin when you drive through the door of the quick fix change transmission fluid store.

They see ya comin when they spot your gender, for they know they are the knowledgeable vendor.

A Quiet Afternoon

Alone, quietly sitting wondering what tomorrow will bring.
Oh it is the beginning of spring, the sweet scent of lavender
soon to fill the air, the yellow buttercups painting the
fields, while grasshoppers jump along the banks of the

Dismissed By The Young

Walking with a younger person, alive and well.
Dismissed by others as they stand to talk a spell.
All questions directed to the young person’s ears.

He Is Your King-He Is Your Story

God is the ruler of this great earth.
He is the King of the universe.
Many happy moments, he gives,
Praise his holy name, Jesus lives.

An Observation

An enigma penetrates the heart of society, slowly moving
among its people, unseen by most, but noticed by few. We are
far too busy with our day-to-day lives to notice what is
happening right before our very own eyes. We have

Emotions Run Deep/Deception Ends & Let The Truth Begin

Emotions Run Deep

Deep In The Valley Of Pain.
I fear the pouring of rain,

Blessed By Nature (Haiku)

A simple tiny bud
Grows to maturity, blooms
Fragrance grace garden

(820) Hush My Sweet

Hush my sweet, you must not cry.
Daddy will visit by and by.
Gone with the angels, like a new born.
Rejoice little one, please don’t mourn.

I’m In Love With You (Love Song)

I saw beauty standing there on the sidewalk.
Boyishly followed you for several blocks.
I love the flow of your bright auburn hair,
the way you walk with grace and flair.

Belly Laugh

Belly Laugh

Let's laugh until we cry
let's be dang fools

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