Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi Poems

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I Have Fallen Into Unconsciousness

I have got out of my own control, I have fallen into unconsciousness; in my utter unconsciousness how joyful I am with myself!
The darling sewed up my eyes so that I might not see other than him, so that suddenly I opened my eyes on his face.
My soul fought with me saying, “Do not pain me”; I said, “Take your divorce.” She said, “Grant it”; I granted it.
When my mother saw on my cheek the brand of your love she cut my umbilical cord on that, the moment I was born.

Last Night My Soul Cried O Exalted Sphere Of Heaven

Last night my soul cried, “O exalted sphere of Heaven, you hang indeed inverted, with flames in your belly.
“Without sin and crime, eternally revolving upon your body in its complaining is the indigo of mourning;
“Now happy, now unhappy, like Abraham in the fire; at once king and beggar like Ebrahim-e Adham.
“In your form you are terrifying, yet your state is full of anguish: you turn round like a millstone and writhe like a snake.”

Ghazal Of Rumi

I was dead, then alive.
Weeping, then laughing.

The power of love came into me,

Out Beyond Ideas

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.

My Mother Was Fortune, My Father Generosity And Bounty

My mother was fortune, my father generosity and bounty; I
am joy, son of joy, son of joy, son of joy.
Behold, the Marquis of Glee has attainted felicity; this city and
plain are filled with soldiers and drums and flags.

Only Breath

Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu
Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion

Ghazal 119

I don't need
a companion who is
nasty sad and sour

Bad Dreams

One day you will look back and laugh at yourself.
You'll say, ‘ I can't believe I was so asleep!

What Hidden Sweetness Is There


What hidden sweetness there is in this emptiness of the belly!
Man is surely like a lute, no more and no less;

Ghazal 314

You who are not kept anxiously awake for love's sake, sleep on.
In restless search for that river, we hurry along;

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